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Sabre’s SynXis reservation system hacked

Travel software giant Saber has warned that the software-as-a-service reservation system that it offers has been hacked, possibly stolen personal information and credit card information from hotel customers.

Over 36,000 hotels use the SynXis reservation system.

In a report filed with the US stock exchange Watchdog SEC, Saber explains that it is investigating an incident that has unauthorized access to payment data processed through its own reservation system.

Sabre has confirmed that the attacker no longer has access to the system and that no other Saber systems have been comprimised, besides the SynXis reservation system.

Along with a security company and the FBI, Sabre have launched an investigation. According to Saber, there is a risk that the attacker has acquired credit card information and personal information. Recently, the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) found that on more than 1000 locations malware was found on points-of-sale that could steal credit card data.

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